O R i e n T a L night&day

It's NOt wHAT you lOOk at that matters, it's whAT yoU sEE

Is it worth it, let me work — Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup I

It is the new century. The new ideas, flowing out and new open mind people seem to be understandable. They respect and want to be respected, even if no one knows what respect truely means. There is no shame in it, and it seems sex is playing the main character.

It has been so liberal lately, that you can see it everywhere you turn around. It has been in politics, all over the world, in pictures, movies, tv series; scandels brought gossip, and gossiping made people wonder. Pitbull himself would not have become so famous, if it wasn’t for all the sex messages he sends out through his videos.

New ethic behavour is pumping out between teenagers and adults. We are all experimenting new codes on having: friends with benefits, polyamory, or the so called non traditional liberal sex. You do it, because you don’t trust anyone. You believe that if you leave things open enough, you can be faithfull to yourself and to the people who surround you. You feel you can control your feelings, putting everything just in the trash box, in case they don’t fit your standards.

I remembered there is an old song of Missy Elliot, which ruled during the late 90’s, explains a very strong message that is quit common nowadays:

[..I’d like to get to know ya so I could show ya – Gimme all your numbers so I could phone ya – You do or you don’t or you will or won’t ya- Sex me so good I say blah-blah-blah- Work it, I need a glass of water- Boy, oh, boy, it’s good to know ya …

Boy, lift it up, let’s make a toast-a- Let’s get drunk, that’s gon’ bring us closer – Girlfriend want to be like me, never -You won’t find a ***** that’s even better – I’m not a prostitute, but I could give you what you want- I love your braids and your mouth full of floss – Love the way my *** go bum-bum-bum-bum- Keep your eyes on my bum-bum-bum-bum-bum- And think you can handle this gadong-a-dong-dong-Take my thong off and my *** go vroom – Cut the lights off so you see what I could do….

Boys, boys, all type of boys – Black, white, Puerto Rican, Chinese boys – Girls, girls,… – Ain’t no shame, ladies do your thang- Just make sure you ahead of the game….]

anything to a:DD? LeaVE yoUR NOte...


This entry was posted on February 14, 2014 by in Change, FEELings, lIFe In ACTion, loVE, PeOPlE, storyTELLing and tagged , , , , , , .
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